TOFU Paid Media Ads for Provider Choice & HeyHubble

One of my key roles at Provider Choice and HeyHubble was crafting compelling Top of Funnel paid media ads to increase visibility and engagement for Provider Choice and HeyHubble's marketing initiatives.

During my time at Provider Choice and HeyHubble, I led the creation of compelling Top of Funnel (TOFU) paid media ads on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The aim was to promote various activities, including event participation, free content, and general marketing campaigns. My responsibilities included crafting persuasive copy, creating visuals on Canva, and managing the ad creation process.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Engaging Copywriting:

    • Developed ad copy tailored for specific marketing activities.

  1. Visual Asset Creation:

    • Used Canva to create visually appealing assets for seamless deployment across platforms.

  1. Platform Deployment:

    • Uploaded ads to Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, optimising targeting for maximum impact.


  1. Event and Expo Promotion:

    • Created ads to boost attendance at events and expos, highlighting key offerings.

  1. Content and Resource Promotion:

    • Developed ads to promote free content and resources, driving user engagement.

  1. General Marketing Campaigns:

    • Crafted ads for broader marketing campaigns, focusing on brand awareness.

Collaboration with Performance Marketing:

  1. Optimisation Strategies:

    • Worked with the performance marketing lead to optimise ad performance.

  1. Continuous Improvement:

    • Conducted ongoing testing and refinement based on performance metrics.


  1. Increased Visibility and Engagement:

    • Achieved heightened visibility and engagement across platforms.

  1. Event Participation Success:

    • Increased event attendance, contributing to successful participation.

  1. Content Access Growth:

    • Facilitated greater access to free content, improving overall user engagement.

My role in TOFU paid media ads significantly increased visibility and engagement for Provider Choice and HeyHubble’s marketing initiatives. Leveraging persuasive copy, visually appealing assets, and collaboration with the performance marketing lead, we optimised campaigns for maximum impact.


The Snap Dispatch: Snapchat for-business newsletter


SEO Landing Pages for HeyHubble