Provider Choice Video Strategy

Leading a video-first strategy at Provider Choice, I aimed to personalise interactions through informative videos about tools. The videos became valuable resources, highlighting technological innovations and contributing to brand awareness, setting Provider Choice apart in the market.

While at Provider Choice, I led a project to develop a video-first strategy for our Community Engagement Managers (CEMs). The goal was to personalise interactions with NDIS participants and Support Coordinators by creating informative videos about Provider Choice’s tools – ‘The Plan Explainer Tool,’ ‘The Planning Conversation Tool,’ and ‘The Plan Reassessment Tool.’ This video series aimed to guide users through the tools and communicate our unique selling proposition (USP) and value proposition, contributing to brand awareness in the market.

Key Project Details:

  • Stage 1 - Strategy Development:

    • Crafted a comprehensive video-first strategy to personalise interactions between CEMs and participants.

    • Outlined the vision for creating four videos, each focusing on one Provider Choice tool, providing a brief overview in a concise format.

  • Stage 2 - Video Production:

    • CEMs recorded 1-minute videos for each tool, explaining the Plan Reviewer, Plan Explainer, and Planning Meeting Tool.

    • A 3-minute video was also created, where CEMs provided a brief overview of all three tools.

    • Marketing collaborated with our partner, Shootsta, for video editing, enhancing the footage with screen recordings of each tool, and recording video segments of CEMs.

    • The video style embraced a ‘how-to’ approach, integrating screen recordings of the tools with personalised video content from CEMs.

Objectives - Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU):

  1. Creating Value-Add Resources:

    • Developed video demos as valuable resources for CEMs, enhancing their engagement with participants and providing a personalised touch to interactions.

    • These videos serve as an ongoing support tool, enriching participant interactions and enhancing their understanding of Provider Choice tools.

  1. Showcasing Technological Innovation:

    • Highlighted Provider Choice’s technological innovations through engaging video content.

    • Communicated how our technological advancements set us apart from competitors, emphasising the unique benefits participants can leverage.

  1. Generating Interest and Engagement:

    • Created engaging video content to generate more interest in our product, aligning with B2C goals for the quarter.

    • The focus was on crafting content that educates and captures the audience’s attention, fostering a deeper connection with our brand.


  1. Value-Add for CEMs:

    • The videos became valuable resources for CEMs, enhancing their engagement with participants and providing a personalised touch to interactions.

  1. Market Differentiation:

    • Successfully highlighted Provider Choice’s technological innovations, showcasing a distinct USP that positions us as leaders in the market.

The video-first strategy for Provider Choice enriched interactions between CEMs and participants. The video series continues to add value to the engagement strategy, contributing to brand awareness and market differentiation.


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