Provider Choice & HeyHubble Full Funnel Email Marketing & Lead Nurture Journeys

My role included executing impactful full-funnel email marketing initiatives at Provider Choice and HeyHubble. From promoting gated content to webinars and implementing lead nurturing, the strategy achieved heightened engagement and successful webinars and campaigns, contributing to ongoing participant support.

In my role at Provider Choice and sister brand HeyHubble, I led impactful full-funnel email marketing initiatives. Operating across TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU, my focus included marketing gated content, promoting webinars, and implementing lead nurturing tactics to enhance participant engagement.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Gated Content & Webinars:

    • Executed email campaigns promoting gated content, driving awareness and capturing leads.

    • Crafted engaging emails for webinar promotion, including post-webinar sequences to nurture leads.

  1. Lead Nurturing & Automation:

    • Developed automated email sequences for participants at different funnel stages.

    • Leveraged marketing automation tools to deliver personalised content based on participant interactions.

  1. Database Engagement:

    • Deployed targeted email campaigns to existing participant databases.

    • Crafted personalised communications for participants, providing updates and resources and enhancing their overall experience.


  1. Comprehensive Funnel Engagement:

    • Achieved heightened engagement across the marketing funnel, from awareness to conversion.

    • Successfully guided participants through the journey with strategic email sequences.

  1. Webinar Success:

    • Increased webinar attendance rates through strategic pre and post-webinar email campaigns.

    • Enhanced participant knowledge and engagement with targeted follow-up communications.

  1. Consistent Database Engagement:

    • Maintained ongoing engagement with the participant database through well-crafted email campaigns.

My time at Provider Choice and HeyHubble involved driving impactful full-funnel email marketing, significantly enhancing participant engagement and awareness. This included strategic email campaigns for gated content, webinars, and personalised participant communications. I worked to implement these strategies to provide valuable support to NDIS participants throughout their journeys.


Provider Choice & HeyHubble Landing Pages


Provider Choice Video Strategy