How-To Videos for Intuit QuickBooks in Australia

At Intuit QuickBooks, my role involved crafting informative 'how-to videos' for the Australian market. From addressing common challenges to showcasing product updates, the videos targeted accountants and small-medium business owners. The result - increased engagement, positive feedback, and improved understanding, demonstrating the effectiveness of video content in empowering users.

My role at Intuit QuickBooks involved crafting, editing, and localising video content for the Australian market, primarily targeting accountants and small-medium business owners. The focus was on producing ‘how-to videos,’ updates, and practical tips for key financial moments.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Video Production:

    • Developed concise ‘how-to videos’ addressing common challenges faced by users.

    • Created engaging content around product updates to keep users informed.

    • Crafted practical tips for crucial financial milestones, like end-of-financial-year processes.

  1. Editing and Localisation:

    • Ensured clear, concise, and visually appealing content through meticulous video editing.

    • Adapted content to resonate with the Australian audience, considering local nuances.


  1. Increased Engagement:

    • Noticed a significant rise in user engagement with ‘how-to videos,’ demonstrating the content’s effectiveness.

  1. Positive Feedback:

    • Received positive feedback from accountants and small-medium business owners, acknowledging the value of the video content.

  1. Enhanced Understanding:

    • Users reported an improved understanding of QuickBooks features, resulting in more efficient platform utilisation.

My tenure at Intuit QuickBooks was marked by successfully delivering impactful video content that empowered Australian accountants and small-medium business owners. The positive outcomes, including increased engagement and enhanced user understanding, underscore the effectiveness of this communication strategy.


Provider Choice Webpage Redesign (Copywriting)


BAE Podcast